Daniel Minguez ’15G is a loyal Lehigh alumnus and matching gift donor. We recently caught up with Daniel to find out where life has taken him since Lehigh and why he continuously supports the Earth and Environmental Science program, both personally and through matching gifts from Chevron.
What is your fondest memory of Lehigh?
Working late in the lab with my future wife, cranking out data and cranking up the music. Then riding our bikes back home across town, around the steel stacks and over the Lehigh river.
Where has life taken you since Lehigh?
To Houston, TX, where I’m enjoying a career as a Geophysicist and traveling to the mountains with my wife and three dogs as often as we can.
Why do you support Lehigh’s Earth and Environmental Science program?
The Earth and Environmental Science graduate program at Lehigh supported and guided my mission to become a scientist. I owe my success in no small part to the faculty and the resources they could muster to train me and allow me to participate in their research. Some of the support I got came from donors. Now that I’m getting along with my own career, it’s only right that I support those same faculty and current students to continue their educational and scientific mission.
Why do you extend further support by participating in Chevron’s matching gift program?
It’s as easy as clicking a button. Why wouldn’t I increase my impact through Chevron’s matching program?
Thank you, Daniel! Donors like you help Lehigh GO.
Learn more about matching gifts.