The 2017 Lehigh Incoming Student Sendoffs are winding down, and there is only one more event remaining — the Lehigh Valley Home Club Sendoff on August 15.
Before this year’s Sendoff finale, continue below to view photos from recent Sendoffs in Northern New Jersey, hosted by Marty Horn ’86, Atlanta, hosted by John ’86 and Linda ’87 Menna, Baltimore, hosted by Krista Belick ’11 ’12G & Bobby Buckheit ’09, Maine, hosted by Robin ’91 ’96G and Alan ’91 Lapoint, Boston, hosted by Ed ’87 ’17P ’18P and Kathy ’17P ’18P Kelly, Chapel Hill, NC, hosted by Julia ’87 ’19P ’21P and Raymond ’85 ’19P ’21P Held, Hilton Head Island, hosted by Lou Benfante ’69 ’98P, and Mumbai.